Adam and I were blessed to spend the first ten days of July in Ghana. The trip just fell into place and soon we were traveling not only to take our first trip to Africa, our first trip to Ghana, but *most AMAZING* to meet the children we would be *SO blessed* to welcome into our family forever. We are so thankful to God for bringing these children into our lives (and for the safe trip!) and for the many friends and family that stepped up to pray for us, take care of our children and our pups, feed us as we frantically did our last-minute packing, take care of last-minute paper-work, and chit chat about this and that before our trip while packing and tying up loose ends! Side Note: Packing was pretty comical, to say the least. I bet Adam stepped on our scale probably close to 20 times for each of our 2 checked bags that were loaded with donations and goodies.
The trip was beautiful, life-changing, precious, and we will remember our time in Ghana forever. The people in Ghana are so beautiful inside and out. Everyone we met greeted us with open arms, smiles, and friendliness. The country was lush with beautiful flowers, trees, tiny lizards, and the vast ocean. But what captured our hearts, of course, was our children - beautiful, stunning, sweet, precious - love at first sight :)
Leaving them, however, was heartbreaking. No amount of adoption preparation classes, discussion, meditation can prepare you for this. Prayer and then seeing the love in the eyes of their foster mom got us through it.
And so, we hold our breaths for our 2nd trip to Ghana - which will be the trip we are able to bring our children home. There will again be tears as we leave Ghana, but this time we will be leaving with our precious girls and crying both tears of joy (Praise God - the most amazing JOY) and sadness, sadness over their grief - their loss (ours too, because it has become ours, that's what happens when you are family).
What an amazing story. I am praying for your family. God is great and continues to keep me in awe of the miracles he works daily. When Di you go back?